Anubias must be one of my all-time favorite aquatic plants to use in planted aquariums. It is very hardy, looks good, and comes in a wide variety of types of sizes. One of the few plants which do well with and without CO2. Although without CO2, it tends to be slower growing. Because it is hardy, it is an excellent choice for low tech planted tanks and a beginner plant.

One thing to remember is that Anubias should not be planted deep into the soil but attached to driftwood, rocks, or other aquarium decorations. The reason for this is Anubias has a rhizome that can rot if planted deeply in the soil. The roots coming out of the rhizome can be planted in the substrate. Please remember the rhizome must be planted above the substrate. Attaching the plant can be done using a clear fishing line, or my preferred method is to use super glue gel. Depending on the tank setup, the plants in the above picture roots are just wedged between two rocks. If you decide to use superglue, please use the gel as it makes it much easier to attach the plant. The glue should contain Cyanoacrylate, so you know it is aquarium safe.
The plant can be used in aquariums and terrariums as it can be grown submerged or partially submerged. You can propagate more as the plant grows by dividing up the rhizome into separate plants. Anubias is very forgiving as an aquarium plant. It can survive a variety of tank conditions (Temp 72 - 80 degrees, PH 6 to 8).
The plant is exceptionally hardy toward fish and other types of tank inhabitants. Which makes it an excellent choice to use for some cichlids’ species and even goldfish. The broad leaves also can provide egg-laying fish a place to spawn.
Overall, this is probably my favorite aquarium plant due to its appearance and not having to do much maintenance. I hope you enjoy my fun blog about this species of aquatic plant.